The pups are now gone. The xpen in my room is down. Rebel is dealing with being one of the crew.
Today was a scary day for us and now that the pups have departed, I can tell you about it.
Nathan went to Brunos and to get shawarma and as he was in getting food, sweat started pouring off of him and his chest hurt. He didn't have his nitro with him. I didn't think to ask. He didn't finish. He came home and said nitro upstairs and I frantically looked for it with what felt like minutes but doubt it was that. He is supposed to have it on him. But this is new to him and to me, I suppose. He was white as a ghost. I said emerg. He said no then after the 3rd dose 5 minutes apart he said perhaps. I got my coat on. Threw the coat at him and he says its starting to work. I realized at that moment 911 should have been called. Driving to Mississauga aint happening. It is too far.
So we will call tomorrow and get a plan in place which is probably call 911. Then we had the last puppy go and thankfully he had enough time to recover. Then he laid down. He is mostly back to his new norm.
So on top of all the pups departing we had Nathan and well Nathan is not supposed to be stressed. How can you not be stressed when your cardiologist says we do not know if they will delay surgeries again and he is progressing. It is obvious he was. Today was scary for him and for me.
To top it off, Sage is in a bad mood and I get that. That too shall pass. Cinnamon gets it and Spirit still has her baby. Maybe Sage and Cinnamon will all mother Rebel. This is Cinnamon's last litter. Within days they will realize how easy their life got. Yes - missed but easier.
You do not want to know how many loads of laundry we have. Dennis - his way of coping is to clean, clean, clean. I get to do what he throws in the laundryroom. He likes to do all the houses, beds etc so they can be stored clean. I was just not planning on it being today.
By the way, Miss Rebel is making Nathan smile.
Tomorrow is a new day... So happy to hear about the journeys of the pups. All seem to be doing well. Nice - indeed!