Monday, December 28, 2020 at 3:40PM

We had the pleasure of Dorothy and her 2 with a much distance visit. It is so good to see people we genuinely love. Thank you for the cookies and candy and the sauce. I went to go try one and Dennis had eaten everything but the sauce. I am so laughing.

I have hardly any photos as I am afraid I am tired of my feet getting wet and I do not have boots that sit higher than the ankles.

I had a number of cancellations due to this weather and I get it. I would cancel too. Tomorrow is extra busy and we will see if cancellations continue. I know I don't want to wash my dogs as they go out and well it would feel as if I did it for nothing. LOL

Thursday is New Year's eve and my day off. So, I only have the next 2 days till after the New Year.

Chester and Ollie could care less about getting soaked. It seems Rebel is the same way.

Rebel went to the far reaches of the yard and every time Nathan called her she went further and under the brush as if to say talk to the paw. Nathan was not doing so hot with what he thought would be an easy venture which became more so. He came in and said sorry you will have to get her. I put my ankle boots on - its a river out there and put on my coat. I went to get a treat figuring I could coax her that way. She was up on the deck and gleefully came in. No treat for her but she eventually came to the beat of her own drum. She was soaked too. I have combed out Rebel, Ollie and Chester more times than you want to know but they are having fun.

It's almost the new year. Can you believe?

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