Dolly is saying it is time to come in. LOL
Here is the gallery. This gallery contains photos from this morning. Afternoon and tomorrow's photos will be in tomorrow's gallery. I am do exhausted and we have class tonight. As hals are in heat, kat thinks the witching hour starts at 4am. Several nights of this is getting old.
So not much snow today. They say we will get much more tonight. We have class tonight.
Havoc and Tobias joined us today. Marlee, Sadie and Shlomo departed. Miss them already!
I need to get rest as I have a lot of dogs to groom tomorrow and it is Nathan's day off so he can stay in bed. LOL
Right now the sun is shining bright. Nathan is napping and I am going to head outside and play with the dogs. No snowballs - please. I don't have time or energy.