I need a day or 2 to regroup. If Sage had her pups last night instead of a long labour, I would need less, I suppose. As we have Spirit in heat, Nathan slept with the boys and Dennis with the girls. This happens when gals are in heat.
Rocky hadn't been here since precovid and he was a bit unsure at first as we are finding occurs at times due to covid but like a flower, he has already opened up and is playing. It is so nice to see the dogs you have not in awhile. It is so nice when you see them go ah ha it's this place - the fun safe place.
Oakley goes home today. I need to figure out when I can fit in grooming for everyone but recovery first.
I am now on puppy watch. Nathan is napping and Dennis will nap when he gets up so he can do night duty.
I am having salsa and chips for lunch as it is easy, Yesterday was a soup day for all meals.