For those that celebrate - Shanah Tova - Gut yontif
Here is the Rebel. As you saw yesterday, I had brushed her out and she was an absolute mess. Today I gave her a bath and here she is attempting to destroy everything I did. One has to laugh. Astro was here and departed today - a puppy and she was trying to do the same. This is what makes the havanese so endearing.
Ellie also departed and was playing quite a bit with Astro. Check it out in the video. Ellie has such a sensational upbeat personality.
Ms Murphy and Reggie departed. I heard Reggie was over the moon happy to see his human. He had a blast but the best part is happy to play and stay and happy to go home. Perfect world, I say!
Ms Astro's human gave us a lovely dessert. Never had it before. Do not know what it is but boy good! Thank you!
End of the holiday weekend. Kids will be in school. Oh boy - changes for many.
Mr. Benny departed today. For an old guy he sure acts like a kid. He sure likes to eat too. I do too so I get that!
Tomorrow Ms Pepper comes for the day. I am so excited.