It got warm enough for the snow to start melting everywhere so the dogs were wet off and on. It is now dropping so Dennis went out to shovel more as it's going to turn to ice.
Despite it all, the dogs had a ton of fun.
Daisy, Ellie and Ollie departed. Brewer decided he likes the recliner better than getting soaked. He tried it once. LOL
Dennis is still trying to fix our email. It has been an experience. Off and on I get it then not. Oue cable service is still down but we do have DSL now.
Kinsey had her checkup and shots. She goes again Feb 16th. No signs of soreness. She has grown but can still get through the gates and I hear Nathan mumbling - this is getting old. Puppies are fun.
Now to get off blogging as Dennis says before sleep he needs to check and fix something or other.
Stay dry. Restaurants are back to opening up to 50% capacity Jan30th.