We had a particularly bad day today. I am so far behind but the end result so far is worth it. Saffron was booked to be spayed after the pups go home. People think you make a ton of money from pups. We do not. When we get money in, we use it to health test dogs, checkups, bills, supplies they need or I think they need plus more like dental, training etc. I rarely buy for myself. We spay a girl that is done breeding here and there as we can afford. Mature gals that have had pups cost twice the amount as those that haven't. Just is. We also do not charge top $$ for dogs as some do. We believe everyone that desires should have the ability to have a havanese in their lives. Gad even mutts that are toted as designer dogs are twice as much as us.
My big spend was to replace a computer that is on its last leg that is older than you can imagine. I use it to do blogs, galleries, photo editing etc. I doubt it is doable now - maybe after the next litters. Nathan got a jacket he sorely needed and it looks good on him. This was before we knew about Saffron.
Well, last night I noticed Saffron was not doing well. I went to brush her up and noticed pus coming out of her. My first thought was pyo and I was correct. Only dogs that have had litters get pyometra. It is a bacteria infection that can kill dogs in the uterus. Essentially they need their uterus removed. There are two types - open and closed. Closed is worse as you do not catch it early enough as the pus stay within. They can die 24 hours to 48 hours. Even with treatment many closed pyos you lose. You just do as time is critical and you simply do not know. Hers was an open that slowly leaks out of her. So, off to the vet we went. Yes - pyo. We did catch it relatively early. Her uterus did not burst so we believe all infection was removed. It is longer to recover from a pyo spay. It will take approx 4 plus weeks. But she is home. She is alive. She is on pain pills and a heavy dose of antibiotics that upset the tummy but I repeat she is alive. As this is a particularly delicate surgery as dogs DO die from pyo before, during or after surgery the cost is high and our local vet gave us heavy discounts. I can't begin to tell you about the lack of sleep or the concern I carried till I realized they believe they got it all. I love our dogs much more than myself. Sounds crazy but true. Losing Saffron who is one of my heart dogs would have killed me.
If you need a local vet - well I would go to her.
So, blogs will be light. I need to pay attention to her as there are signs to watch for. She is 8bs so fluid is important.
The dogs had an immense amount of time playing but they were all over me. Dogs can sense when you are worried. I was deeply worried - and thankful but still worried. She is sleeping - resting and that is a good thing - in sight.
I didn't brush dogs today so I will play catchup and I have a ton of puppy stuff to do.
As I type - sorry for being so long winded - the dogs are barking for their dinner and I can't begin to tell you what a sweet sound that is. They are excited as they know the good stuff is coming.
Ella will get spayed in 2-3 months. She can't be till 2-3 months post pups. The cost for her will be higher than a normal spay but not like a pyo spay which is 4 times the amount of a spay. So - that is where our puppy money will go. Life...
Anyone need any Aloe plants or anything else I do not want to yank inside. Better than having them die. Seems I have that on my plate too.