It's a really cold day today. But with body weight, the dogs do not mind. Dogs have been running around as the squirrels and birds are readying themselves for colder times. We have to bring in our plants somehow and someway or let them die. LOL We shall see.
Tobias and Havoc departed. Lachlan came for the day and Murphy departs this morning. Tomorrow Opus departs and we have a vet visit with 17 pups. I only have 2 groomings to do so I will try to get those done before the vet comes at 1. I figure it will take a few hours to complete everyone.
My printer has died so I have been exploring possibilities. Sort of need one of those. We head out to get one today and Dennis can gripe about setting it up. I guess I could too but I have a dog to do tonight.
It really looks like rain so I told Dennis to do his run game earlier than later.
A couple of days ago Ripley - not one of ours but Kat was his dad - died from cancer. Still hurts when they are older.