I have a corrupted memory stick so was only able to get some photos from yesterday and today. many were lost. Sorry. I need some new memory sticks.
Here is the gallery but realize there are many lost. This gal, over the next few days will be bathed as she just is mucking it up so much and needs it.
The photos that had Murphy laying on top of the crate under the table are lost and when I asked her - why not try on top of that crate again? She looked at me like I was an idiot. I suppose I am thinking she would do it again.
Oh well - dogs played. Maui comes tomorrow. Winston and daisy came today. Charlie departed. Think maybe Opus is departing tomorrow - have to look - Ollie the next day? Girls are almost all out of heat so normalcy?
No mud - that's a good thing but it is cold. No snow in sight.