Despite the cold, they have been going out many times today for very short timeframes. It is really cold out and warm up is supposedly coming Sunday?
We have a puppy departing tonight - King Kong so Misty's blog will be late.
Maui and Abby are playing and playing indoors, outdoors - doesn't matter.
Mr. Ty is departing tonight. Ms Daisy got a shave down and will be washed tomorrow. Abby and Meadow will, depart on Monday. Our last puppy departs Sunday and Chai is a water dog who plays in the water bowl nd makes a mess of EVERYTHING. I can hear it as I type. I correct. I walk away and oh boy she is at it again. All this after a bath.
Well, we have to go feed the dogs as King Kong is departing during dinner time. Then we are down to 2.