It has been a busy but fun day. I am doing dogs earlier as a storm is supposedly coming tomorrow. Other than crazy getting up early (which is what I think should be done) I am starting to face cancellations that all want to be done on the 16th. It is Family Day weekend, Puppy visit, and puppy baths too. I will go in the order received. It is the best I can do.
If you are coming tomorrow for drop off or pickup, I will do my best to accomodate you. Otherwise they can just stay. The earlier you let me know the more likely I can accomodate you especially if your dog is getting groomed for pickup.
We have Coco and Ellie here. They are having a total blast.
The puppies are having a great amount of fun. Ollie looks for Petey and Ellie looks for Coco. It does the heart good.
Everyone and I mean everyone is having a blast!