I have been crazy busy. Dogs have been having a ton of fun and everyone has been nice and playful to Rain and Hope. They sleep all night in our bed around Nathan's head. What a puppy hoarder he is.
Dennis has been busy installing his graphic card. So, I have been busy doing all the things he does. So - I am a bit behind.
Mr. Fudge departs tonight - Jersey tomorrow. Jersey has to be finished and bathed at 7amish as I am out for a few hours with a friend. We haven't even figured out where we are going but oh boy its been a very long time. I am working hard so I can go out. Can I say puppies, puppies and puppies? Wednesday we have Coco visiting with Ellie - hooray!!!
No mud today - another hooray. It is cold.
The dogs - they are having a ton of fun. It makes me smile.