Sorry a Quick One
Monday, May 20, 2024 at 5:43PM

Here is the gallery.

Got 2 more dogs to do so extra small blog. Dogs had fun. Many departed - only Maurey arrived. Pingo, Maurey, Tuppy are running the backyard with Cassie. The dogs are a mess. Cassie departs tomorrow. She so needs a bath - like beyond needs one. Tuppy is no better. Pingo and the boys like to destroy each other's hair and I brush frequently. They are having fun. 

We need someone to mow the lawn. If you know of someone, let me know. Our mower does not work and I have no time. So, we need to hire someone. Hoping it is not too much. But our grass is really getting high. Let me know.

Our son came over to walk with Nathan. He needs to walk daily he is told - slow pace, small distance till he can go a bit further. So they took Rain and Hope. It's going to be an experience. Hopefully a healthy one. LOL

Well got to eat takeout as Nathan just got back and go back to grooming.

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