Well Not Today
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 5:06PM

Here is the gallery.

Well this one thought it would be grand to go in but it kept getting cloudy and did rain. So not many photos.

Oreo got a bath as he was looking grungy. He's back up at 5am. He was sleeping in till 6am. No matter what I do he wants to get up at 5am and wake the house. He had 4 days of 6am. He's an old dog. Just like Nathan says he is. LOL

It looks like it is about to rain again. 

Looks like cold all week long including Mother's Day. A huge happy birthday to Pippa (Bailey's mom). Hope you are not working and having fun. 

Dogs still manage to have fun but really other than me grooming, it feels like a lazy day.

Lots of dogs coming the next few days for sprucing up for Mother's Day. My blogs may be short. Sorry. 

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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