Such a Day
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 5:54PM

Here is the gallery.

Lots of play going on. Inside - outside. I have a photo of Harlow looking like the cat dragged her through the kitty litter or something. She became aware that there is a mouse in the put and she was on the hunt. She was so funny but now I need to brush her out. She makes me laugh.

Also, I was lucky to get a photo of Jamie in Nathan's arms. You never know when a camera is nearby. 

Our heart goes out to Joanne and Reid's mom/mom-in-law on their loss. Hazel and Socks are here playing like crazy.

Our thoughts are also with Denise who is dealing with the loss of her mom. So many losses this year.

Ronnie and Elana got me an Amazon gift certificate and I bought a cordless massager that is charging as I type. I will use it daily after each exercise - which I am still doing daily. I feel better. I sleep better. My digestion is better. It is still fun. That is a bonus.

It feels cold outside. Dogs do not stay out long but they play and play and play. 

Shlomo is leaning on Natha's shoulder watching tv. It's his fave spot in the tv room.

The dogs are having fun today and our washing machine - thank you Dennis is now repaired. 

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