Melting Times
Friday, March 14, 2025 at 6:13PM

Here is the gallery.

Oreo will be departing tomorrow so I am giving him a bath tonight. I wonder who will take his tv spot after he departs. We shall see. Pippin has claimed the up high position. It is funny. Each dog that comes has their fave areas be it in the tv room, the bed or wherever. They stake claim. Each day they use that area to nap etc. 

We have a mess outside. It is melting away. I think as I type it is 50f - 10c. If it wasn't so messy, I would be sitting outside enjoying. I hope it remains. Wouldn't it be nice to have an early spring?

Dogs are in full play off and on all day long. They are so enjoying themselves. It is a holiday for them too. I am glad they make the most of it. 

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