Can you believe snow? I can but that's okay. Dennis still didn't get many photos but take my word for it the dogs were having fun. We are actually down to just Harlow and Koko as a visitor as of tonight. It is an empty house.
Nathan took me to Vaughan Mills Mall and I got a shirt, shorts and socks. I can fit in short shorts to exercise in. I wanted something I didn't sweat in too much. Nathan got socks then we went to eat at Carmelinas on Woodbine for lunch. It was excellent. He has never been. I was there years and years ago.
I want to say thank you to Coco the mighty little one's parents. They sent fruit and balloons. I have 3 amazing looking balloons now tied to my lamp at my desk. Deep appreciation. I also got to say thank you to Marni and Rick for a selection of cookies, candy etc. I saw Nathan stealing the cookies. Yes, I am laughing.
Nathan also changed the bedding so we had fresh sheets and blankets last night to wake up to. It's the little things that really makes you pause and go wow nice. The dogs were caught last night rolliung all over it and sniffing. We had a new softener he tried so I suspect it smelt different to the dogs. It did to me.
Dennis and I will watch Severance and eat popcorn. Doesn't sound like much but is to me. I also get to snuggle with the dogs. Can't get better than that!