Fun Fun Day
We had a full house of fun today. I have much grooming to do. LOL Leaves in the house, stuck to them and wild abadoned fun. They so enjoyed each other and I enjoyed watching all of them. The play was great today. Those that went home are probably napping. Those that remain are napping after dinner.
We had a couple of videos uploaded that Nathan took. He should have taken more.
Our son Jon came over and outdoor furniture and pool stuff is away with the lone table and chairs that can stay out so we have something to sit on in the winter if we are so inclined.
It is going to be a fun winter as we will have pups playing in white stuff. I hate cold but I surely enjoy watching the pups in winter.
Will it snow a great deal? I can't remember a great storm for what 30 years when the city was shut down and we had a crazy neighbour that shovelled his way all day long to the main street. Those were storms. As Nathan says, we do not need a snowblower. We have our arms. All these years I think we still need a snowblower. Will we get one this year? I doubt it. But here is hoping.