Discuss It > Themes for naming the new pups
The only thing wrong with Crosby, Stills and Nash is that it leaves out the best part of the foursome, Neil Young!

So true!!!!!

Do you think Neil would mind?

Our family "theme for names" has been Names beginning with the letter "T". Our twin daughters (human ones - LOL) are Tamara (Tami) and Tara. Tami was named after one of my best friends, who was beautiful inside and out. Tara is an Irish name that I just happened to love and in gneral I love names that begin w/ T and so our first puppy was named, Tiffany. Our second, Tia. Tia will be gone one year this December 6th and since that time, it appears that I've used up all my favourite T names on my backyard chipmunks and squirrels - Tula, Tyla, Tyler, Taylor, Tylo and so on. So, it seems I've moved on to "L" names. I'm keeping them to myself until Abigail has her pups, hopefully early spring 2012! I have a few and want to wait to see which name suits which special little soul.

Darlah- In response to your request for themes to name the pups....The only thing I could come up with was for the three little boy pups
Snap Crackle and Pop
Winkin Blinkin and Nod
Crosby Stills and Nash