Discuss It > Grooming Video
I can't get this video to play when I download it. The first frame shows up in the QuickTime player, but the play button just reverts to the paused position when i click to play arrow. Is this a problem because I'm using Apple equipment (MacBook)?

I don't have a Mac but will ask my daughter to check it out - she does.

Darlah, what a fantastic video! I wish I'd seen it 4 years ago when I first got Chester. I ordered and have received the StaynWash grooming noose and the ShowSheen. The product appears to be for horses although it does mention cattle, dogs and camels. LOL Do I have the correct product? "The horse world's most trusted name".
Also what a treasure your "Treasure" is. Beautiful and so well behaved during grooming.

Trish: It is a horse product and it creates a finish that keeps the knots at bay but you must use it only after a bath and not anytime else. You also spray it on your brush, line comb and brush on for the best coverage.

Thanks, I'm going to get Guito into the tub tonight and try it out. I haven't read all the questions in this area but I plan to read and learn. I did see the one about trimming feet and I'd love to see how you do that too.
Please tell Nathan for me that I just received my Hav magazine and read it last night and I had a smile on my face all the way through. It is great and the photo's are so beautiful. Aren't we lucky that we all chose such a breed - I want to hug every one of them. T

Wow, the ShowSheen is wonderful. Chester has a more cotton coat and he's in a puppy cut so it make his coat so shiny and soft. I do notice a different on Guiti too. Thanks so much for sharing, I really appreciate it.

Only use it after the bath - not as a regular grooming spray as it protects the coat but also would hold dirt in and therefore get matted if coat was dirty when you use it. Spraying it on a Mason Pearson type brush or a regular brush and getting the entire coat (line comb) will help the coat stay knot free longer and it does feel better. If you use a highlighting brush and coat that with it, clean up any tear staining, coating the area daily with Show Sheen - only area I would do it as you are cleaning it daily will keep any reoffending staining from coming.

Hi Darlah,
I have been a faithful Talemaker follower since I brought my little Miss Maggie home almost 21/2 years ago. I got her from a Havanese breeder in Mount Forest, ON. Shortly after I brought her home I was dealing with a bit of separation anxiety so I googled to see what I could do to help her with it. Low and behold I was pointed to your website and have been hooked ever since!! Thank you for sharing your amazing journey and the journey of all your dogs and pups. I read your blogs everyday without fail and absolutely love them!!!
Since bringing Maggie home, I have been taking her to a groomer but have decided I want to try grooming her myself. I have gathered my supplies, watched your video and feel like I am ready to take the plunge. First of all thank you for this video as well as the one on clipping their pads. Secondly, during the course of my research, I have come across a couple of sites that say you need to pluck the hair out of the ears. Is this true? I am feeling a little nervous about it and don't want to hurt Maggie. Can you confirm if I actually need to do this or if I need to trim the hair inside her ears?
Thanks again for all you do and for sharing it with all of us!!

I never pluck the ear hair unless it is very profuse and holds in moisture causing ear infections or it is knotting.
Thank you for the kind words. Nothing like a havanese!!!

Hi Darlah,
Thanks so much for your response. Phew!!! So glad to hear that I don't need to pluck Maggie's ear hair but I will keep an eye out for possible problems.
You are so right, there is nothing like a havanese! So much sweetness, fun and mischeif rolled into one darling bundle of joy!

I have been using The coat handler shampoo and conditioner with good results but I have noticed that after the last wash my girls skin seems to be very slightly flaky. It is very minimal and I do rinse really well. Has anyone had this problem with a shampoo and conditioner before?
Is there anything better than The coat handler products?

There are a lot of products better than the coat handler stuff but now that you have it and you are seeing flakes you need to use a clarifier such as Clean Start from Chris Christensen. You only use it when you see a buildup that produces flakes. Some of the other brands of clarifiers can be harsh so you need to know how to use them. Clean Start is gentle. But it wouldn't be if you used it often.

Thank you Darlah, will get this and look for a better shampoo for when The Coat Handler is finished which won't be too long now as I only have small bottles.

Has anyone ever used Earthbath shampoo or conditioner?
it sounds fantastic.

I have Earth bath puppy and Oat & Aloe, just trying them out will let you know how it goes. It does smell nice and there are no parabens or other nasty ingredients on the label.
The conditioner is supposed to help with dematting!

Let me know how you like it. I have a bottle that I only half used. I didn't like the results on my dogs.

Darlah: Tried it.
Wouldn't go wild on the Earth bath shampoo, it does foam up well but the conditioner does work well but it has a strange after dry smell for a while. :-(
Dogs coat was very clean and soft afterwards and no itching.
Think I might try the Pure Paws again though. :-)

Thank you, Darlah for SUCH a helpful video; I wouldn't have had it shorter by a second! Longer, if anything. Treasure looks SO like my Coton de Tulear, Tycho, that it was quite strange watching YOU do the grooming! He's pretty good now, bar hating his paws and his face being touched, but we manage. My 10 month old Havanese, Cuba, is learning, but still much harder to bath and groom; but again, we are getting there, and your video has helped me have a sort of benchmark of what to aim for, and reassurance that I am doing some things right! Thank you.

Terri: Your breeder may be able to help you with cheap local sources. I can only help you with online sources. She/he may also be able to tell you what kind of coat you are dealing with.
I would give a puppy a bath every 2 weeks but it depends on the weather situation and how dirty they get. You can tell when a dog is starting to get dirty as it will get knots. If you are using a gentle shampoo/conditioner you can wash once a week but you don't have to. Some go 3 weeks. It truly depends on the dog's hair and the environment.
Instead of Isle of Dogs try Pure Paws Oatmeal and Aloe Shampoo and Conditioner or the isle of dogs puppy shampoo.
If you think you may be dealing with a food allergy and that is possible, remove beef and chicken of any sort from the diet. Go strictly to a fish diet for 6 weeks. Add a drop of vitamin e every day in his food and add a squirt of salmon oil but start with the additives slowly as it may be too much to do all at once. Start with a tiny squirt and add till you are doing a 1/4 to a half of a teaspoon once a day. Do not feed chicken, beef or liver treats during this time and see if the scratching subsides. Use a humidifier in your house. When heat starts you get reverse sneezing and scratching due to dry skin. Always use a good soothing grooming spray and you can dilute any grooming spray down to where it is still keeping the coat soft but not heavily scented. To eliminate drying out the skin, spray your grooming spay on the brush or comb and use it not directly on the dog.
Let me know if I can help further. Glad you like the site. Havanese are truly amazing - aren't they?