
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries by Darlah (207)


Playing Upstairs

The pups had a fine time playing upstairs. This particular puppy went crazy playing with this activity center. It is pvc with plastic chains and toys attached. You can buy it but I suspect you could make it yourself too.

Be sure to watch the videos. You will find out if Stormy allowed them to feed or not.

The pups are about to go upstairs to play again but I am taking a break after I finish the blogs and Dennis will be taking them upstairs. It is already after 7pm. Where did the day go? 


Such Play

The crew had an event filled time upstairs today. They were chasing moms to feed. See the gallery if you want to see it.

They can be relentless and each mom handles it differently. 

So different from a week ago. They are now climbing ramps and having a grand old time. Today they lasted quite a long time too. 

Be sure to check out the Raven blog for more news.


6 Week Visit With Families

I am so glad Ella cooperated so you could all come. She must have known someone was coming from Montreal. :-) I am also glad that Stormy entertained you. That's Stormy. Raven is quiet and was trying not to feed the pups. That is the way she deals with pups with teeth trying to feed on her. Stormy thought you came to see HER. 

Here is the gallery from the visit.

I love both Stormy and Raven. They fill different needs in me and so do their pups. I love, love love the pups. I couldn't do all I am and not. 

Thank you ever so much for coming. Check out Raven's blog to see the link to the videos of your visit. They are already up.


Baths Today Visit Tomorrow

Brown and white chocolate

Before I go further, realize pigment will come in. I think it is ever so cute when it is coming in. Chocolates have brown spots on their pads and blue or green eyes. Non chocolates have eyes that are black or deep brown.

This has also been the very best laid back crew I ever bathed. They were highly curious and not a shake or concern and hey this is FUN! Dryer - not an issue in the least.

Brown sable - I will tell you that the wet photos are ever so funny and that is why I am putting them up. You will see in the gallery found here the dry photos as well. 

White and cream. He is the littlest and he was the absolute most laid back of all. He was amazing and that's an understatement.

Creamy chocolate. See the eyes? He has a brown nose and brown on his pads.

Cream - not a chocolate. Can you see the colour of the eyes?

I was not going to do individual photos as I really have no time. It takes me 20 minutes to do each dog times 10. Oh boy but I hope you enjoy this effort. 

Tomorrow you get to see them. They are teething. They chew on everything but this will pass. 

Moms are feeding them in the morning and at night and every now and then they let them sneak a drink. What they will do when you are here, I am not sure but they are indeed starting the weaning process. 

See you tomorrow unless Ella decides to have pups. Right now, you are safe to come. :-)


Ah the Fun Begins

This boy wherever I am finds me. He wants hugs, love and play. That makes me feel good.

The pups are learning about bite inhibition. Moms have stopped feeding them except in the morning and still they are not sure they want to. It's not about being a good mom. They need to be weaned but when they get teeth it hurts. As they have stopped feeding them except the odd time, they are able to play with their pups more and teach them all the important things they need to learn. The process has begun. 

Be sure to watch the videos.


Not Much Blog Today

The pups are eating really well now. They are also drinking plenty of water. The moms have stopped feeding them except for first thing in the morning and last thing at night. The weaning process has begun.

That doesn't mean that they don't try to sneak a drink. they do from every dog. LOL

They are doing really well at night. They mostly sleep. By the time they are starting to depart they will be sleeping from 1030 to 7am. It is a transition. Right now they are still waking up at times to eat or pee and going back to sleep. as time goes by the time they sleep increases. 

Baths Friday and a visit Saturday if the moms to be cooperates. 

Here is a mini gallery. 



Fun Was Had

The pups had a terrific time with Willow, Sage upstairs. They are at the stage where they think any female dog has milk but Willow and Sage does not. LOL It didn't stop them from trying. Ouch as the have teeth. Even the moms are trying to wean them. 

They are at a point of just feeding in the morning and night now but every now and then they sneak a drink when they can. They are eating food quite well. They are no longer on mousse and in about a week we will stop softening their food. 

Be sure to watch the videos.


Strengthening Legs

The Stormy crew is finding the stairs and attempting to walk up and over - at least this guy was. 

Here is the gallery of BOTH litters upstairs

The food is still softened but it is not cut into pieces. They are equal opportunity puppies. Any mom that has milk will do!


Feeding and Whom

We feed. We feed each others pups. We play upstairs and we have fun. Both moms dote over each others pups.

Short blog today as I am not feeling well.

Here is the gallery of all 10.


Play Everywhere

The pups had 3 play sessions today. They were upstairs for the 1st time. To see the video and gallery check out Raven's blog.

Here is a gallery of both litters on the play session in the hall. They also played outside of their pen but I played and didn't click. I have to be able to just concentrate on them at times. We do these exposures to get them used to different environments and different noises.

Be sure to check out the videos.

The pups are having fun with all these exposures. We are having fun watching them have them.


5 Weeks 3 Days Old

The pups had a sponge bath today. I shaved around private parts. I cleaned up their pads and clipped the area so they won't have any stickages. 

This is the gallery of me and the pups. I was alone with them today. Nathan had his nap. Dennis was with the guys and well I tried something new. I tied the gate open so they could come out at their leisure. They snuck through barriers as they are still small and yes that included the Stormy pups as well as the Raven pups then would realize they were lost. They weren't really but they thought they were. I think if I try that again it will be with help. LOL

It was an adventure for the pups from being without their moms all night to sneaking through gates to wander. It was an adventure for me too!

Be sure to check out the videos.


No Gallery Day

Pups will be going upstairs tonight without their mom. I will be watching with the moms off and on all night long and I will have my ears open. It's just a reality. I can't help myself. Nathan sleeps as he knows I am awake. LOL

I will let you know how it goes tomorrow. 

Dennis still has to sterilize the upstairs and set it up. 

In a little over a week all 10 pups and their moms will have baths and I get to do that. heh Then you get to see them. 

Be sure to check out the videos.


Play Bows and All

The pups are really coming into themselves. They do the play bow quite well engaging you in play. This is quite a playful crew but that makes sense as Stormy is a play monkey. 

Here is the gallery.

I have to admit, they need baths. I will give them a waterless bath and then before the 6 week visit they will have a full bath. They have walked through their food. they have picked up their food and dropped it. They play in the water dishes. This too shall pass but what a mess. There is always this stage where they muck around in the food, standing in it. They are using the pads quite a bit but they are really way too young to be 100%. Some are better than others.

But back to that play bow. It is endearing and boy this crew hugs.

Be sure to check out the videos.


Survived, Nails and Play

Wow look at these toys hanging...

The crew survived the night being together downstairs. In a couple of days we will get the upstairs ready for them to go up at night. They seem to be playing with each other without mauling. So far, so good. 

Even the small Raven gal is holding her own. She just made 2lbs.

The day continues and they seem to be doing rather well with each other. I am impressed. It is better to have both moms to feed at once otherwise you find a Stormy pup trying to eat from Raven or a Raven puppy trying to eat from Stormy.

Here is the gallery.

The pups had their nails done. It was really needed. How do you know? They get caught on everything and get frustrated getting their nails out of whatever they are caught in. When they are cut they no longer catch. 

They continue to get along with each other. They intermingle and do not stay on their side. Sometimes for a day or 2 they do despite the barrier coming down. 

They get so excited to see me. It feels wonderful. 

Feeding off each other's moms seem to be okay with the moms. 

Be sure to watch the videos.


4 Weeks 6 Days Old

The pups are glad to have their bear back. It sounds crazy but this crew appreciates it more. Dennis wanted to share it with the Raven crew but no one snuggled with Mr. Bear all that much so back to Stormy's crew it went. 

Here is the gallery.

Today we tried softened Fromm's food. They ate it a bit then went okay and then tried it again. 

We have a goal to get all pups upstairs by Friday. 

All 10 played together again in the hall. 

Here is the gallery of both litters together.

With that goal in mind, that is why we are merging the pups together. More on the Raven blog.

Be sure to check out the videos. I am still uploading.


4 Weeks 5 Days Old

The pups are eating less and less from mom. Interesting enough she doesn't have as much milk as she did a week ago. Sometimes the introduction of food triggers a cut back. 

Soon they will head upstairs at night. 

Here is the gallery.

They are thinning out but not losing. They get round, they grow and get slim then get round and then go slim. it's a normal process.

Pups walk all around this room when Dennis cleans up the xpen. He does this before I wake up and come downstairs. I do it before I go to bed. This way the xpens stay very clean. We like the pups to experience how it feels to be clean and live in a clean environment. It means more cleaning and disinfecting (we use Benefect) and they learn to appreciate clean. It also means more laundry but well worth it. 

All 10 pups were out together in the hall today. Check out the videos.


4 Weeks 4 Days Old

This is a no gallery day today. I need to get grooming done from playing hookey yesterday. 

Pups all have teeth poking through. They are all doing well.

They are so playful and fun. More tomorrow!


4 Weeks 3 Days Old

The Stormy crew was so excited to see me. The tails were wagging a mile a minute. I guess they like me. LOL

They too had an experience with the Talking Elephant. Check it out in the videos.

We got to take them out in the hall. In a couple of days we will have them playing upstairs. 

Check out the gallery.

As you can see in this photo they are lovers - kissy kissy kiss. Snuggles too. I had a full neck nuzzle when I returned.


4 Weeks 2 Days Old

This morning the Stormy Crew had another solid food session. No one in both crews had an issue with digesting the solids yesterday. I never take anything for gramted so I always go slow. Today they will have eaten twice. Tomorrow, who knows as I will be out but for sure. Saturday it will be 3 times.

Here is the gallery.

Tonight we are going to put them in a sherpa bag, feed them in the hall and expose them to another room. We shall see how it goes. Stay tuned to tomorrow as I will update you then.

Be sure to check out the videos.

have to find the sherpa bag, set up the hall and make food. It's not as easy as just taking them out. :-)


First Solid Food

The Stormy pups had their 1st solid food today. We will not be giving them anymore till tomorrow. Then if all goes well we will give them solid food twice tomorrow. We increase as we go.

Here is the gallery.

How did they do? Watch the video.

As you will also see they play rather nice together. I just love their gentle nature and how inquisitive they are. Tomorrow hopefully we will get them out of their pen for their first play session. It's too bad it won't be outside. That experience will have to occur at 8 plus weeks.