On days like this we have inside play and...
outside play. Weather is snowball building event but we still allow the dogs to have fun. We are just raking those snowballs out and off.
Here is the gallery.
The floors are saturated so much so that I took my socks off. Worse are wet socks vs. no socks.
Nathan decided to walk dogs 2 by two. He was doing this for hours. LOL It's his day off and I swear he is still sleeping. I have to keep reminding him that I can't lift dogs especially large ones till this back issue goes. I took less pain pills today but hurt more so who is the fool here.
As I am typing Willow is driving me nuts as she loves pistachios so I unshell and feed and it takes forever but she looks at me to say - I love them as much as you do especially those Costco ones you got and hey the bag is huge so...well unshell another - will you? I do cause - don't we all?
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and well as it is also Family weekend we are still very busy. Besides Nathan hates holiday crowds so he went and bought us lobster rolls to have today. Yum! Can we have Chinese tomorrow -- I know shut up - you expect too much. For us holidays are when we work the most.
Tomorrow we are in for an extreme cold alert. This is a warning that if you and your dog goes out as it should be BOTH of you, if they are lifting a paw - it is too cold for them. They can get frostbitten.
I have a friend that is heading out into a safari for the next 2 weeks and sleeping in tents. She does a lot of these trip. She showed me a photo from her hotel. It is lush green and she says humid as ever at 35c. Good time to be sleeping in a tent - NOT!
Yesterday I heard about a dog we dearly love - thought he had a stroke or a seizure. Turns out we think its his back but he is doing well. I am thankful but realize he must have been in pain for quite sometime as each time I combed or touched his back end - he was not happy. I always had to go slow and be creative. I am thankful and both of us are on pain pills for back pain. The dog and I sharing our moments. LOL
Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow. May it be a happy day and not a freezing your ahem off day. Weather people as they are... well you never know. Time will tell!