Meshing Well

We are now snuggled up to our siblings. How so? We both have Stone as a Daddy so yeah we are siblings of sorts. When we first went into the pen to share we gravitated towards each other but now you can find just the opposite.
Here is the gallery of the 2 crew.
In 3 days we will go from a meshed group of 7 to 6 and then it all begins.
We are upstairs as the human types playing our hearts out. This is how we get tuckered out and sleep all night. We are also all doing well about the pad. Wish it was warmer so we could do more outdoor play but you will enjoy that with your humans. This is the 1st time we have had to deal with this extreme cold for a prolonged period of time making it hard to expose the pups to outdoors.
Be sure to check out the videos.