What a Few Days
It has been a few crazy days. Zoe is here waiting to be picked up momentarily. She has had a roaring grand time with Cali, with Spice, with Leti. It has been a true puppy fest but today is too cold for them to be out too long.
Leti seems to have adjusted though she woke us up at 3am last night to do her business. Better than not waking us up, I suppose. I think we were in a dead sleep after yesterday though.
Leti seems to eat more than Cali. I am trying to figure out where it is going and she no longer has softened food which we did initially to get her to eat. She eats her meal then shares Cali and Cali doesn't seem to mind.
Nothing seems to bother her including barking. We tested her hearing by doing a variety of sounds around her. She tunes into the sounds but barking - who cares and we have had barks for short periods when people come to the door. We are trying to keep that at a minimum as it disturbs the Miss Abs.