
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


21 Days New Digs

Here is the gallery.

I took the pups out of their whelping box due to the lone pup climbing out. Just because you are small doesn't mean you are not mighty. LOL

How did they do? They were great. I will be uploading the videos in a bit. It's been a mighty busy day for me due to Dennis accident so I am carrying an extra load. So, I was the one that did the whelping boxes that are sitting in the hallway as I can't carry up. I am hoping Nathan can or it will be me or they will remain till we can. LOL

Puppies eat like they are starving. In a day or two I will try them on mousse. We will see how that goes.

Do you get the feeling the pups are all starting to get older? Funny how that happens. It was fun to lay in Ella's pen with the pups. What a fun time.

Videos are coming.


20 Days Old

Here is a mini gallery.

Have you been watching this crew? They are getting active for short spurts. I try to catch it on a video.

Tomorrow they will be 3 weeks old. 

Dennis takes cat naps so to speak now that they are all older. He is still in the room but just like a new parent, he reacts and hears any noise. So how much sleep is he getting?

Videos are up. More later.


19 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

Ella and her pups - she so loves them. I am doing short blogs tonight as I have a lot to do. It's just been one of those days. I didn't even get to comb out the moms. sigh. It happens.

Videos are up.

Pups are well... and so is Ms. Ella.


18 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

Yes - 3 days shy of 3 weeks. Going to be mighty interesting when they are over 3 weeks old. They are smaller than the others. Ella does have smaller pups. 

Right now they eat, sleep and move from here to there though I saw one trying to walk. It's all happening soon.

Videos are up.  More later.


17 Days Old

As there is 9 days difference between Temoie and Ella's, we have a bit of time to get this crew outside and eating. We may do it a tad earlier depending on how they do. We have to figure out a way to get them all together. It will be easier with the Ella, Willow and Spirit crew as they are close in age. We may have to put the Tempie crew with the rest later. We shall see how it all unfolds. 

Here is the gallery.

Most likely we can take this crew out at 3.5 weeks old. That is still another week away. We do not have exact windows. It all depends on the pups. Tempie's crew was more than ready days ago but we decided today was the day and glad we did. I can't wait till this crew goes outside too. 

Videos are up. More may come later.


16 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

Ella remains attentive even saying hello nudge nudge - time to eat now. Ella remains wonderful even though I know she yearns to swim. We will let her swim when the pups start eating food that way they have  enough of a window between.

Videos are up and more later.


15 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

Pups gained over an ounce in 24 hours. Although they are older than Spirits pups, they will remain in their whelping box till they are ready to come out. With Spirits it was making space for Tempie pups. 

Soon they will join the explore all over the place crowd.

Videos are up.


Two Weeks Old Plus Last 2 Eyes Open

This is the last born boy with his eyes open now. 

This is the 3rd born and she finally has her eyes open. We have had pups open eyes at day 21 so this is not early nor late.

Here is the gallery.

The pups are gaining, moving and crawling and Momma makes sure they are fed well.

Can you believe they are 2 weeks already?

Videos are up and I will add more in a bit.


13 Days Old No More Eyes Open Yet

Here is the gallery.

I am very late today so we are short blogging. There are still 2 remaining pups that have slits but their eyes are not opem. I figure it will happen tomorrow. Tomorrow this crew is 2 weeks old. They are doing really well.

Videos are up and more coming tonight.


12 Days and Eyes Open

This was the 1st pup to open her eyes today.

This is the 2nd puppy to open his eyes. This is the white, black tri boy.The 1st ones to open their eyes was the 2 littlest ones.

This evening the sable and cream boy with a circle on his back opened his eyes. We now wait for the sable, black and cream gal and the Mostly black tri to open their eyes. Maybe tomorrow?

Here is the gallery.

Sorry - still trying to play recovery, if you can believe. Videos will be up soon. I started this morning then had some groomings and then heard it would be cold tomorrow so I went into the pool figuring tomorrow I can't. I watch the pups on my ipad so I am always aware of them and that gives me comfort. 

I can't wait till all the pups are 3 plus weeks old. 

This crew even though they are not the youngest are the smallest. Time will tell but with their growth chart, I believe they will be on the smaller end. That is typical of Ella. 


11 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

The pups are doing well. They all had great gains. Ella is into a groove and tends to rely on me if one fusses as they are behind her or simply not cuddling with their siblings. They do like the touch.

The videos are up.

Sometimes Ella and Spirit are a challenge to feed so Nathan is out as I type getting a steak to add to their food. I also asked for breakfast sausage. LOL


10 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

What have I created. If Ella's pups cry as they are behind her or whatever, Ella looks at me as to say hello move my pup. LOL I do but it is so funny.

Can you believe they are already a week and a half old? They are all plump and active little ones. 

I started thinking 17 pups times 15 to 20 minute baths and dry and photos. Will that be interesting or what? 

We have time for that but it did cross my mind. Can't wait till their eyes open. They are not showing signs yet. But when they do, I will let you know.

Videos are up. I will try to get a few more.


Ella Pups 9 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

Pups are doing well. They eat. They yell at mom when they want food. They make me laugh. It is as if they are actually calling for me. Hey lady, I am on the backside - move me please so I can eat. I am too far away from mom - come get me. They have my number and rightly so. 

Ms Ella is picky about the food. She will eat when she is hungry but only during pregnancy and when they have puppies do we ply them with whatever their heart desires - well almost. So far she is not as picky as say Spirit. I call that a bonus. 

I have a crazy busy day. Can't wait till they are running around so I can have it easier. LOL

Videos are up and will be adding a few more before bed.


Over a Week Now

Here is the gallery.

Ella and the crew are doing well. She has a system. It seems to be working. She started feeding them everytime they moved and now she is on an almost 2 hour window. LOL 

She so loves the pups.

Videos are up.


One Week Old

Here is the gallery.

It is like a fog - how can it be 1 week already? They certainly tell mom when they want to eat. LOL

Pups are gaining. I am about to weigh them but I do not expect any surprises.

Videos are already up.

When will their eyes open? 


6 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

The pups are fussing less. They are gaining really well and momma Ella is relaxed with the intruders. LOL Maybe I am now relaxed too. It's not that I do all the work with the pups from making sure they are on to changing blankets, getting fresh water and food and telling them - no you have had enough treats. I also comb them out in sections. 

Moms are mighty happy and that makes me happy. I even give them massages. I want one too. LOL

Sorry so late tonight. I still have 1 more blog to do and a video of each to upload.


5 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

All the pups are doing well. They find mom and they want for nothing.

The 2 littlest at birth are now 6.5 ounces. 

Ella didn't like the other moms investigating her pups. They are vulnerable. She is now relaxed. Quite normal especially with a nosey one - Tempie who can't help herself. Oh Tempie is still nosey but she's not driving Ella crazy. Tempie also doesn't take Ella serious. LOL Tempie has too much time on her hands as her pups are older.

Dogs are so funny. 

Ella is also finally going outside to do her business where before she did but would run back frantic or use a pad. Now it's ah that fresh air - soak it in. They come in relatively quickly but more relaxed and trusting that the pups are okay. 

The 1st born 3 ouncer feels plump for his size and he has some apricot coming in.

Videos are up and I will upload a few more in a bit. Five blogs, galleries, videos is a lot. 


4 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

The pups are 4 days old. I took their weights and everyone gained. I weighed them just before Willow started whelping. As I type, all moms are sleeping - imagine that!

Ella was happy to see me. I have not brushed any of the moms except Willow when I cleaned her back end. I am too exhausted and easy enough to play catch up tomorrow. They don't look bad and that's because I combed them yesterday. LOL

I can't believe that only 4 days ago this crew was born. Looking forward to when they are all running around. Remind me of that. :-)

Videos are up and I will try to get more up. 


3 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

There is only 1 black and white pup. Can you guess who? Yes, it was the 1st born. 

Ella only wants the mousse. I hope that changes but it is good for her. Just like to give them a variety of food to hold their interest as food ingested means plenty of milk for the pups. 

The sister and brother are now over 5oz. I will check tonight but the last two weigh ins they were both the same. 

Pups and mom are doing well. 

Videos are up.

Hard to believe this pups magically appeared 3 days ago. LOL


2 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

Pups are steady gainers. Both the littlest at birth have reached 5oz. That is the 1st born and the mostly brown and cream. Mom and pups are doing well. 

Videos are already up. I may add a few more.

Each day I spend time changing bedding, weighing, washing bums, changing out water and feeding them. As they get older, it actually is a different intense attention. Each mom gets extra snuggles a number of times a day. You want them to know they are special and they are. The pups are all unique across the litters. I don't have to struggle to know who is whom. One wonders if Willows will also be unique so we don't go slowly crazy figuring it out.