First Hall Visit
Saturday, October 7, 2017 at 2:58PM

Pups are amazing. No matter what environment, they adapt. We took them out to the hall for the first time and they embraced it so well. They even found the tunnel. they played and played and then they dropped. We can't time the outings at this stage. It's nap them wake up and eat and then you have this window of play. 

Here is the gallery.

Christine came to pick up her duo and they were fast asleep but we woke them up so she could hold them. She was fascinated how the camera picks up the colours different. The flash and or lighting can change perception. They will be lovely colours but colour is not my thing. They are going to have outstanding personalities. You can already see it. But no surprise.

They all have teeth and I need to get some split antlers for them as they are chewing or trying to chew on everything. They each have multiple teeth.

Whenever I am cleaning the pen they try to steal mom's food. 

We are going to try to put them upstairs sometime maybe by Tuesday or Wednesday. It gives us sometime to get the upstairs area ready and it will be after the holiday visitors.

As we only have 2 families for these pups (we are trying to carry the line on) we may do the 6 week visit in the hall. We shall see. 

Here is the video from the hall visit and outside of the xpen. You will see how amazing they are. The play with Nathan is so fun to watch! Watch out! They are kissy pups. They have that Spice in their line. :-) 

We are not doing many videos today as we are celebrating Thanksgiving with the daughter. 

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