It's been a long night. Saffron was restless. She needed to go outside, get fed, hugged and wanted to make sure I was there. I am exhausted. Pups are actually 3 different shades now that they have dried. I have not weighed them as they are not quite 12 hours yet. I will let Nathan do that.
Saffron has had a bit of mousse, ice cream for calcium, steak and roastbeef.
She is finally starting to nap here and there. It's been a struggle to convince her to and here I am if I closed my eyes I would be fast asleep. The last video I am putting up before bed shows she is finally resting and she needs it.
Here's to bed. I will probably only sleep till 11 or 12 then I need to get up and start grooming.
Coffee is made for Nathan. Water dishes are out. Bed is calling but they have to get up. :-)
Here is a link to the videos. Dennis has to change it out as we need one that is in a better spot and clearer. Looks like I have to replace this one.