We did nails today and we placed the littlest back with his birth mom, Cinnamon. Both moms seem to know and seem to be okay with it. We will see what weight gain is like at 7pm and figure out if this is permanent.
It is an emotional change for me but other than his size, he would have remained with mom but this gave him the boost that he needed. He's already had 2 feedings off mom. She cleaned him all up and is mighty delighted. Sage went in and looked, ate Cinnamon's food and she appears fine. I imagine that like we have done in the past, both moms will act as if he is theirs and share responsibilities. Win/win for him - 2 moms.
Pups are all doing well. It is hard to believe they are already 10 days old. Some are trying to get up on their legs. I can't wait till their eyes are open.
Videos should be up there by the time you read this. The last ones are the 4 and 7 and the nail clippings.