
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


6 Weeks 2 Day: Another Family Visit

Here is the gallery.

The pups had a visit. The 1st half was just Sage and the next half will be on Nami's blog when they joined in. I know, I just want to confuse you. LOL

Pups had fun. I hope the family did too. It's interesting that they are getting more physical but not in a bad way - but a fun way!

After this visit they slept deep then headed upstairs with me to play. Dennis will do the next session. I need to blog etc.

Dennis is making dinner for the pups and the adults. It's another rainy day.

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.


6 Weeks 1 Day: 1 Family Visit

Here is the gallery.

We had one family come for a visit due to not being available on Sunday. Fun was had by all.

Pups had a deworming and no reaction. This is a prevenative as the vets will insist. Pups have solid stool and has not been outside but still we do as they will insist you do and if they have a reaction, I prefer us to. 

The pups are all upstairs playing with Dennis. Nami wants to stay downstairs as the pups are relentless about feeding and she really has no milk. This triggered Sage to go - oh no more feeding and besides they have teeth - ouch.

We have 1 more family coming tomorrow.

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.


6 Weeks Today

Here is the gallery for both litters.

Oh boy what a day. We are very busy. I am grooming as dogs depart. Because Nami has almost completed weaning her pups, Sage thinks its her turn. She now only feeds when she is extra full and needs to relieve herself.

Pups had a deworming so we see how it goes with their bowels. Usually it creates loose stools and lots of times they go. So far so good. This usually lasts for a day or 2 and the odd time nothing changes. We do deworming as a preventative. They obviously have not been outside so they do not have anything and their stools has been solid. We do this as the vets will do it and its not fun if their reaction is loose stools so we do it to save you. LOL

Pups are upstairs playing as I type. I hear them running like crazy with Dennis. It's a fun sound to hear. 

I am starting to believe that this group of both litters will continue to be able to play together without anyone bullying. It says a lot about them. Makes me smile.

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.


It's an Almost Milestone Day

This is the gallery for BOTH litters.

Today is one of those days I can't muster individual litter galleries. I am sure you can tell the difference between the two.

Today, this group is 6 weeks minus a day. It is hard to believe. Especially with this group it was a journey that they rose to the occassion every step of the way. 

I know I keep saying that the 2 groups play well together with this large gap in age but they do and they do it well. I am so pleased.

They are eating well. They are eating hard food and they do have teeth. Their nails - especially this crew seems to grow like weeds.

As I type, they are upstairs playing with Dennis. I have freshened up the blankets and now I am blogging. Soon I will upload the videos.

We hope you are all having a great day!!

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.


Play Session 

Here is a gallery of just the Sage pups. The pups together will be found on the Nami blog. The pups, as I type are trying to be patient about heading upstairs for another play session - or maybe they will take another nap? The verdict is out. 

Although they sleep apart, they seem to play well together. That is a testament to both litters. They are truly fun. Each has their own personalities. They also do the chase game with Nathan now. It is a riot.

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.


Mixed Play

Here is the gallery of BOTH litters playing together from morning till afternoon.

I watch them play closely and you know other than size I do not see capabilities being different between the litters. This crew truly has rose to the occassion. I am impressed. Usually this span of time with their ages is too much in development and capabilities. This crew has proven me wrong.

They are now eating solid food with chicken in it. They are getting teeth and both look forward to the play.

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.


Sage Crew

Gallery of the Sage Crew. You will be able to see the rest of the photos of them playing together on the Nami blog. 

Pups had a play session alone then together then the Nami pups had one alone and then together. Oh boy... 

The pups so far like to play together. To be honest, they simply like playing together. I am trying to give you unique galleries of each litter. It's not easy but I try. Dennis usually does 3 play sessions as I have pens and blogs to do as well.

At this point this crew is highly benefitting from the older crew as they attempt to do what they are and are managing it.


First Upstairs to Sleep

Here is the upstairs gallery.

Our life has changed and so did the pups. Last night was their first night to sleep upstairs. You see that blue pretzel teether? I waswatching the pups at night and thought it was poo so I messaged Dennis when he came up, would he remove it. He said NO. So, off I went in to check on it and remove it and realized it was a toy. Yes, that is why he said no. I laughed. 

The pups did wonderful 

Later off when I checked on them, I couldn't take a video as there was 20 piles of poo - actual poo. Yes, on the pad but it didn't look pretty. They are younger than when Nami's went upstairs. Sage was content to watch the pups on my ipad. She watched and watched. It was funny.

Today, I had a ton of grooming as everyone is getting ready for the holidays so I was unable to take the pups out. Dennis did and well he doesn't take photos or videos. I took them out in the afternoon together - lazy me but also good for them as no one is playing rough. 

The issue is when they are together, you can't see who is who so play a game and see if you can figure out what pup belongs to what mom. 

I am goping to do one gallery and post the link in the Nami blog of them all together. It is impossible to do unique videos. So, look in Nami's blog for that gallery.I am also working on the videos of that play session and won't get that done till blogging is done.

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.


Who Lasts?

Here is the gallery.

I have to say that Yoshi is a gentle being with the pups. They truly like her. Each set of puppies that comes upstairs feeds from their mom 1st and then they are off running and jumping and well having a grand time.

They had a great deal of fun. Now I must upload the videos. There are likely more of the Nami crew simply because this crew lasts less time. The younger they are the more sleep they need.

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.


We Had a First

Here is the gallery.

We had Yoshi playing with the Sage crew and we had their 1st visit upstairs in the hall play.

How did they do? Magnificent and Yoshi did sensational too.

We have started having to close the xpen as they climb out to run around. They may be small but mighty.

Bowel output is solid, They have started drinking water. We may have them upstairs for a sleepover in a day or two. Can you imagine that?

Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.