If you notice moms are wet on their backside is because for a couple of weeks they have discharge and I need to clean them a few times a day. I take a blower and take out any excess water but do not dry them completely. They need to get back to their pups and an extended drying at this time only creates stress for them.
I also do not wash them completely till about 3 weeks after they have had pups. Thi sis the timeframe when they can be away for as long as it takes me to wash and dry them. Over the years I have learned this works. I do brush them out daily.
The pups are doing well. The back and white has brown bleeding through on the back so not true black and white.
Sometimes they fuss as they are too warm so we have a temperature guage to know if the heatlamps should be on or off. We also regulate it with a closed or open door to this room.
Soon their eyes will be open and the fun will begin.
I upload videos here as I can. Each day we have new ones.