It is such a lovely day and I wish I could take them outside but I do not want any issues with bowels etc so inside they will remain and you get to have that 1st adventure experience - the start of many 1sts.
Pups have Malla, Coco, Hazel, Rain and Hope to play with. They have been having a blast. Pups are about to go out again but no videos or photos this play session.
They played and played and played and despite this they are raring to go again.
Soon they will be on their own unique journeys. We hope to hear from you and applaud all their milestones.
Warm weather is coming and it is the perfect weather to welcome your little ones. I hope it stays this warm but I figure we will have snow before mother nature is done and you can have that 1st with them as well.
Other than baths, I am ready with all their stuff now. 2 baths occur tomorrow for Friday departures.
Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.