Pups look forward to going upstairs or out in the hall to play. When they are out in the hall and people drop off or pickup, they have a lot of conditioning to new people, new noises etc.
I am spending a lot of time doing things for the pups to go home so it has added a great deal to my - who has time for what in the day. So, bear with me if we have short blogs etc. I am only human and can do what I can in a given day. I know there is no one else that does this on a daily basis like I do. Last time I acquired a dog I think I saw 3 photos of her and no videos. Just saying...
Pups are about to be fed and will be heading out to play again. I will see what happened to yesterday's videos. If I can quickly fix or retreive I will. If not, sorry. I am only human. But I will try.
Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.