Started at 220am in my bed. It's a good size tri boy. He weighs 8-2/8oz 235g. As you can see he has colour coming in to his face other than black or white.
Second is a boy at 245am. He weighs 6-6/8oz191g. He is also a tri.
Third is a boy and the smallest black and white with spots on back and weighs 3-6/8oz 106g. He's fat but shorter in length. He was born at 246am.
4th is a boy born at 334am and more white than others. He weighs 5-7/8oz 187g. He is more white than his siblings.
5th is yet another boy who was born at 358am. He weighs 4-6/8oz 135 grams. Way cool markings on his head, some small black spots on back. He has a very pretty face.
6th one born at 443am and a girl - imagine that! She weighs in at 5-7/8oz 167g
7th one is a boy - so 1 gal and 6 boys. He was born at 445am and weighs in at 6-7/8 195g
All beauties - lively and an easy whelp for mom.
More when I get up. I was up all night so need a few hours. Good thing we set up the xpens - Dennis and I.