We got this bed from Winners. It was the only one that was washable and dryable. The rest was only air dry. Won't do with pups. These pups love it so. I need to get 2 more somehow - someway. As you can see this pup has her head where you can't see sleeping away. Do you have a head, dear? How can you breathe but she is and does.
So, if you see crate pads or small soft beds that can go in the washer and dryer - let me know so I can order 2 more.
Pups are getting more animated as the days go. It is wonderful. I look at all the litters here and go wow - no blips - no issues and they didn't even do the drunken walk stage. They are now all playing with toys.
Can't wait till they get to 4 weeks. That will be another milestone of trying food and playing outside their xpen. It is going to be such a great journey.
Videos are up. I am not doing anymore today as I want downtime but there are some fun ones. Enjoy!