Here is the family gallery. As you can see, Mocha will have new family members Abby and Meadow. It is going to be fun watching Mocha try to keep up in the snow.
Here is the play session before Mocha's departure.
They have a very long drive but got a report at least for some of it she is a quiet gal.
Thank you ever so much for the mad money for a restaurant. So appreciated!
Petey's New Family plus Ollie at Home
Looks like Petey is finally taking his nap as the others are that are here. This was the 2nd to depart. Ollie is getting acquainted with Petey. Thank you again for Cynthias. They now know our name. LOL
Here is the play session gallery before Petey departed.
The pups were tuckered out by the time Malla departed but they played a bit.
Videos were also taken.
Thank you ever so much for the gin. I may have some tonight!!!!
Check out the videos of all departures and both galleries and videos include the Sage crew.
Be sure to check out the videos and don't forget about the shorts.