Raven didn't have a great night but a positive one by this morning. She is more alert they tell us. They are seeing fluid so they are not sure of infection but what she has on her side is she has always been very healthy.
Thank you for all the letters, the help - all of it. Not sure how we could have done this. Thank you for the blanket for Raven from Sherry. Pandemic and all has hurt so many including us. Just a fact.
After realizing we know what we are doing and have 24 hour watch, Raven will come home. The longer she is away the less she will be able to feed. If she can or can not, it doesn't matter. Her health does. The next 48 hours is critical and they told us what to watch for as those with infections drop fast. If she shows any signs, we must get her in immediately. Her uterus did burst and she is now spayed. Will she still have milk? 50/50 after a spaying. But in her case due to the uterus the spaying was necessary.
We rarely have issues. Last was Saffron but different. Thankfully a different emerg. Nathan waited 3 hours outside while they assessed her. He said she cried all the way to emerg. I have never heard her cry - ever. She was in very rough shape. I thought we would lose her and they did ask us if we wanted to sign a DNR on her. They did say it was a real possibility. So sleep was fleeting. I love my dogs through and through. Sometimes Nathan thinks I love them more than him but not true. It's different. They don't ask for much. They just want love.
It is easier if they were to remain for the next 48 hours but the financial cost is great and so is her mental health. She belongs at home. We will stay on top of it. Am I still worried? Yep but do I feel I can stay on top of it? YEP! What is extra work with someone you love - just work.
I will take photos when she is at home and hopefully she will bond with the pups but I also recognize pain, hormone changes etc who knows. Thank gad for Misty. This is why we have 2 litters at the same time. Rare but when needed it helps.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I am not sure how we could have got through this without all of you. We are not out of the woods but better than my imagination sent me last night after listening to the vets. I so hope she remains home without incidents. The world needs Raven's in their lives.
By the way all 3 of her pups have gained and are active.