First born at 12:06pm. It's a girl the colouring of her mom. She weighs 6-3/8oz 183g.
Videos can be found here. Gallery will be uploaded when finished.
Second one born at 12:55pm. It's a boy. He weighs 6-6/8oz - 193g
Third one born is a boy. He arrived at 1:06PM, 2nd and 3rd boy are tris and look similar. He weighs 6oz - 173g
4th born is a boy - all dark. He was born at 130pm. It seems now that they are drying theu are shades of browns. They were so dark they looked closer to black.
5th was born at 214PM. It is yet another boy. He weighs 6-2/8oz - 180g
Looks like we have the brown crew.
Willow yelped on her first and the rest came silently. All pups are healthy, round and eating.