First one born is a boy. He is a creamy apricot and weighs 8.5oz - 242g. He was born at 438am. It was a soundless birth. He was born on the couch and I feverishly called Nathan so he wouldn't miss but he came down to a pup already done.
Second one born came out breech at 459am and he is cream. Yes, another boy. He is a cream with a darker face. He weighs 9-3/4oz 278g
Third one born is a boy. He was born at 516am. He is dark brown with a white toe? He weighs 8.5oz 243g
Mom thus far is doing well. Considering the size of the pups she has been great - not a single noise except under her breath.
Fourth one born is brown and white and he is also a boy. He was born at 605am
Fifth one born is another boy. He is cream as well. He was born at 6:52am.
5 Pups - Born on December 11, 2018 from 438am to 652am and no issues.
Videos will be done later but will be found here. A few have been uploaded. I am off to bed seeing I have nor slept literally for 2 days then at noon I have a dog to groom. Oh my - asking if they can stay till 430 so I can get up at 3pm and groom.