20 Days Old
Monday, December 31, 2018 at 6:44PM

This crew will turn 3 weeks on New Years Day. How nice. They are the most relaxed crew. Truly they are. 

Here is the gallery.

Stormy had a bath today. I usually do this when the pups turn 3 weeks old. Raven will get hers in a few days. I am going to let her hair grow out so you will see that she has a bichon head at the moment. By the 6 week visit it will be laying down. Now it looks funny and cute, I think. 

Stormy's pups want for nothing. I have already expanded the pen as they needed room to walk. Yes, they are practicing walking. In a week or so we will reduce the blankets and give them flooring. Soon they will try food for the 1st time. That will be messy but fun!

Be sure to watch the videos. 

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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