Woofstock Bound: Havanese Socializing
Fiona says: We are off to Woofstock tomorrow and we can't wait but mommy thought I should have a bath and be blow dried. Sweat was pouring off her face as it was so delightfully cool with a dryer blowing. When it was done, I looked in the mirror and went - who the hey is THAT?
Mommy did a double take too as she saw part of Katsuro in my face but she says my head is smaller - well doesn't mean he's smarter or better looking or.... Hey - I am only 6 months anyway!
Well, we are supposed to meet Yvonne at Woofstock at 10am. Hope the rest of you are touring the aisles as we would love to see you.
Take a REAL GOOD look at me now as you may never see me like this again - hahahaha. Mommy says we will for those doggie shows that Miss Abs goes to but I am a junkyard dog who loves to muck it up. So, if you see me tomorrow, and I don't have every hair in place - just know - I am just being ME.
Shhhh and those humans love it. ROFL!
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