Socialize, Socialize
What did we do today to get Spice be all she can be? Instead of going to Petsmart, we took her to the school and their playground.
This is what we mean by creating fun moments. Sure she will go back to doing Petsmart, Pet Valu, Global etc during the week but she has to think these outings are fun. Right now when I get my coat on she heads for the crate. hehehehe
She started out slow. Where are we? What are we doing here but as soon as the lead came off, she was running with Kat and Wasabi. That's who was with her.
We practiced recall and we played.
I even took a video but have to convert it and who knows how it came out. :-)
I will post it tomorrow if it did. No energy today and I want to watch Idol (I am behind) and cuddle with dawgs and chill.
I do believe today was a success even though she is still saying, no car for me MOM! You have to watch the progress and bank on that adding up if you are consistent.
Daddy still has to practice heeling, table and look at me but he tends to do that just before bed. It works!
What did you do today?
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