First Swim 2013
Well didn't realize my lens was all wet so I got a blurry result but this is the first swim of 2013.
I can't believe I didn't realize but oh well.... at least I realized for the pups - yes they went swimming too!
Kat is loving that the pool is open. Me too! More swimming tomorrow.
Photos of pups and update tomorrow. This way I have something for you to look forward to.
Got my deck washed, the sunshade up, cushions out though I need new cushions and seems like more tables but we are enjoying the outside.
Have to keep coming in though to check on the Miss Abs pups or Dennis has to. So you enjoy but in small bits and pieces. Pups are still outside air drying. :-)
Reader Comments (10)
What a fabulous leap Kat. It's amazing that he can jump so high and far on his first leap of the season. What a talented boy!!
Wonderful! I just knew that Kat would be the first one in! You couldn't have asked for better weather for the first pool weekend. It feels like summer even in Huntsville :-) The Coop is loving it although I think he needs to adjust to the sudden heat...the Coop will surely have opportunities to swim when he visits again. Enjoy this beautiful weather!
Oh my, pups swimming! Can't wait to hear all about it and see photos!
Perfect weather and pool finally made it up high enough. Pool still is not crystal clear but almost. Its good enough to swim in. Tomorrow my turn.
Kat is always lazy that first jump of the season. Think its die to winter weight. By the end of the summer he will be jumping across the pool testing to see how far he can jump and he does that with himself. It's interesting to see him at the staet of the summer and then at the end of the summer. The muscles also get rather amazing come September then goes to hell come winter. hahahaha
Three cheers for Kat. It must officially be summer, Kat is in the pool. Great pix.
Anne: I didn't realize you were in Huntsville. I'm in Bracebridge. If you are ever in downtown Bracebridge and have Cooper with you, drop into my store, The Corner Cabinet, at the bottom of the street. I would love to meet you both in person. I have seen so many pictures of Cooper on the blog.
Maureen: I've been your store on several occasions! It's a great store. My grandparents used to live up there and my cousin has a cottage up there now too.
Maureen, we will make sure to drop in next time we are in Bracebridge. Nice that we can bring the Coop to the store :-)
Yeah wish it was a clear photo - have cleaned my lens today and maybe I will get him swimming again. I know I am going. Love that Kat loves the pool. Love that I can brush and let him air dry. You can't with all.
So great to see Kat's first swim of the season....he is such a water dog, and so glad he passed that on! Chinook and Breeze can hardly wait to get into the lake and yesterday as it was such a wonderful hot day, Chinook especially loved going into the lake to have a swim, and Breeze would just go to the shore and lay down after chasing the ball. Chinook likes when it is thrown into the lake for him to swim out and get and Breeze prefers to run after it on the beach.
The pictures of Kat look so much like his son, haha, such handsome boys.
So great to see all the posts and pictures.
The pups are soooooo adorable!