Too Cold and Need to Chill Out: Night Photos Added
Ty chilling out!
Scruffy, puppy outdoors - no problem and well Pepper said its TOO cold so in she goes after 2 minutes. That's okay, she is now resting on Nathan's head as they all take a nap.
We think Roxie may be coming in - joy not!
Follow the leader. Yes Scruffy is the leader today.
Kona doesn't seem to mind the very cold. It is interesting to see who does mind it and who doesn't. But people are like that too. One is shaking amd one has their coat open. Which one are you?
It is so very biting cold - or so it feels like it.
Dennis took a few photos trying to practice at night.
Pepper is doing a lot of watching today. Oh she is playing but tonight Scruffy is playing more.
Messy from all the wet but having fun. Tomorrow brusha brush.
Reader Comments (4)
Such a cute picture of Ty. Yes, a cold day today for humans and canines. Worse tomorrow I hear.....sigh
Patches loves the cold and snow but her body doesn't. When the paw goes up, in she comes!
interesting about pepper because her sister nora HATES the cold. if i say "do you want to go for a walk?" shady comes running and nora sprints under the kitchen table where she hides! even today when it wasn't so cold she wore a coat and still shivered i guess its because she is so small, i thought it was because her belly was getting wet as she is so close to the ground but the coat keeps her dry and she still shivers?! i guess we will have to retire to florida.
Pepper would rather be warm most times. This is VERY cold winter (sigh)
Florida - hahahaha