Grandkids and the Dawgs
Check out the gallery. Ignore the mop. We have it there as the dogs found mud in the cold. can you believe? I don't - geez! Our grand daughters and our son and daughter-in-law is here. They arrived this morning. They took a nap as they were up all night with the youngest. Now they are out and about while I try to get the blogs done and grandpa takes care of the babies till I am finished. Soon everyone will be here at 6ish. Our local grand daughters are on their way.
It's a busy house but a fun house. The dogs are enjoying these little humans. The youngest one finds them overwhelming at times if they want to pounce on her lap. Wouldn't you? Stormy tends to be the pouncer. Did you have to guess?
Internet is still slow. The dawgs are running around like crazy in this cold.
Jon finally got back to school after the strike. He went to university and now he is going to college so he can get a job, heh! Hopefully he is not working too late. Tonight, Nathan, I and the dogs will roll into bed and crash. Just watch - well you can't watch but take my word for it!
Reader Comments (9)
Dogs big & small & little children. Sweet ! Enjoy your family visit.
So sweet, enjoy these precious moments 🤗
Your granddaughter is beautiful and what a great picture with the dogs Very sweet enjoy. When they leave you will think you are on holidays with just the dogs. Enjoy your family.
Your grand daughters are adorable. Great pics!
SO CUTE!! little ones and puppies and dogs........... bliss!! Enjoy
What a great photo of your grand daughter with the Havanese. Your grand daughter is adorable. She will have a very memorable time at Grandma & Grandpa's playing with the dogs.
The girls look like they are having a ball with the dogs. Such cute pics !
Cuteness overload!!!