Shall We Dance?
The air is crisp. The dogs think it is a delightful day. No rain. No snow just coolness.
I had an easier day - just a few dogs today and I plan to relax tonight.
The daughter's mattress came last night and Nathan was amazing as he got the boys to take the old ones out and he made the bed so all we had to do is crawl into it last night. It is an improvement. One day a tempur mattress. I do believe the dogs enjoyed it. It surely beats a 25 year old mattress.
Pippin is about to go home and I find him grooming challenged. I get him perfect and he rolled and makes sure he looks natural. It will be a miracle if he looks okay but we will so try.
Penny is arriving shortly. I treasure my time with her as they are moving far away and well I am trying to make a lasting experience. LOL
The dogs really have some tight relationships here. It is nice to see. They play, they snooze, they play. Yes, it is important that they get their naps in and when that ground beef is cooking they get mighty alert.
Oscars tonight! The dogs and I will be watching. I am not sure that Nathan will.
Reader Comments (2)
Pippin was gorgeous when I picked him up Darlah, but I know he will be working on creating the natural look.
He's simply a gorgeous boy inside and out.