Blog Day
We have holiday photos below. I hope you so enjoy.
Nathan called twice to the surgeon and cardiologist. No call back. We try again tomorrow. We are now going to go local and call 911. That's our plan and we are sticking to it.
Gallery No one is groomed yet in these photos.
Let's sum up the day today. We made calls. Nathan rested. It was mighty cold outside. We put blankets away, beds all cleaned - laundry all done. Couch is staying out of here till we figure it out. The dogs LOVED having this room to hang out in too. They can't when pups are here.
Rebel is adjusting well. Momma loves her. Tempie thinks she is her coveted toy and Sage wants nothing to do with her. She will adjust. We believe in letting it all unfold as it works that way.
Nathan is saying always have the gas filled. This is where this is - or that. His brain is working too much.
Rosey arrived and settled right in.
Tried to get food and it was around the building at the grocery store. Oh that again?
We are thankful for the dogs that are coming. This is the 2nd busiest season that we are quiet. This covid is killing all business' except grocery stores, Amazon and who else?
Maybe I will get learning in after my to do list and catch up on tv. Expanse is on again...
I so hope you all have your shopping done. Zoom plans in place. Good food to cook. 2021 - here we come. Enjoy this week. Do not stress out. It's not about the gifts but family, good friends, wonderful puppy people and the havanese!
Reader Comments (10)
I agree, Darlah, 100%. Best wishes and here’s to peace, joy and GOOD HEALTH, in 2021.
Loved the photos! Rebel is a little DOLL ❤️
So excited for Bailey to have a sleepover at your place. Thank you so much for looking after her.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday 😊
Yes, i think call 911 is absolutely the best plan !! They have all the equipment to start treatment right away, hopefully you hear from the surgeon soon and they can move him up the wait list so he can go before the 22nd. So sorry you are going through this ordeal.
Nathan’s episode must be a pretty scary event. Your plan of calling 911 next time Nathan has chest pain is a legit one. Understandable that you want a particular doc to perform the surgery, but I’m worried that the Covid situation might delay elective surgeries. If the chest pain doesn’t get relieved with nitro spray, just call 911.
And don’t even bother driving to the hospital. Call 911, they can do EKG and if it’s a heart attack, they can transmit the EKG to the hospital, get cardiology on board fast.
Thanks, Sylvia. Wouldn't that be a kicker they cancel cardio. I so need pistachios. Laughing hard. Is Costco open any longer after xmas?
Dear pistachio monster, let me see if I’m able to get you some pistachios in the near future.
Sylvia: Thank you. Only really love the Costco kind. LOL Who would know - me - pistachios and OCD. The dogs like them too!
That explains a lot of things now.... everytime I pulled out those pistachios for myself, Tenshi always look at me so intensely! “What about me?”
YES! So loves them believe me. They beg for them. LOL