Fun Despite the Cold
The dogs had fun despite the cold. Lachlan just departed - Tenshi just departed and we will not be seeing him and her till the New Year. Thank you ever so much for the giftcards to Lachlan's family. So so appreciated.
Ms. Harlow departs tonight. I need to finish this blog so I can get her done.
Daisy says where is the bacon. She was talking to the stove as if the bacon stove god makes it - not I. LOL
Benji gets spruced up tomorrow and boy does he need it. He departs in the morning. His fun will be missed. As you can see it is Benji and Lachlan in the photo.
The dogs were really in their element playing.
They say cold is coming but thankfully we do not live out west. It is brutal out there. Nathan warns me that Friday may be that way here but weather - you never know.
Dorothy - if you are visiting the horses, let us know. We have something for you. We thank you for all you have done.
Off to do Harlow or her dad will look cross-eyed at me if I ever forget again.
Reader Comments (2)
Darlah, from last time I was at your place I got 2 shingrix vac, reactions both times(I'm a huge responder), Thanksgiving some family members got covid(everyone fine now), ENT/pharyngitis that needed antibiotics, Tom now has shingles(slowly getting better), still trying to ride between the bad weather, but I'll be up Thurs, after my morning ride, maybe afternoon, hoping weather stays ok. Got something for you too😁
Well lady - that sounds awful. If weather is bad, your gift can wait. :-) I have never had chicken pox and therefore not shingles. I just finished grooming now as people were afraid of the bad weather. Now to do blogs.