Got a Plan
We were dumping out pots and digging up plants and transplanting plants today. We are not finished but the remaining will wait as I have dogs to groom thsi week. I am a dead woman walking literally and we did not finish. But the dogs had fun watching.
I think the dogs thought it was quite smelly and fun to watch. I did see that many of my lettuce are coming back in the trug. When you do not remove soil, all sorts of things present themselves.
We had a singular aloe plants that I transplanted just before we brought it in last fall. It grew into 2 significant size plants and about 20 or 25 babies. The Babies are all together in a pot. I know I will be giving those away and the 2 adult ones are magnificently large - like gigantic. I like to have aloe around for cuts and sunburn etc.
I am going to finish this blog. Sit outside with dogs and try to stay awake. Nathan watched the dogs.
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