Long Day

Long day. Our washer pump is clogged and found this out when Nathan's clothes wouldn't spin. So Dennis has parts all over. He did find clogged hair etc in the filter and here we go again. So, I had to rinse his clothes out and wring them one by one to dry. It says it will take 2 plus hours. We shall see. I am mighty frustrated. I am stressed beyond belief.
We had dogs out playing and then I came in to exercise. Midstream the batteries died 1 then the other 15 minutes later. I had to replace the batteries and couldn't figure out how to get the straps in so I had to roll them and have no strap. I finished exercise and added in more just because I had interrupted exercise. It has been a day.
I brushed out several dogs. My apple watch says my stress level is in the red zone. LOL At least the dogs are having fun. Me not - none of it. Nathan is now sitting in the tv room with the dogs. Dennis is attempting to put the washer back together and hope that the washer works. Cross your fingers - will ya?
Nathan is on his 3rd day on the treadmill. Hooray. That's the good news and the dogs are having fun - the other good news.
The rest..... well I am done! Wringing out clothes by hand is NOT fun.
Reader Comments (2)
Sheesh Darlah, if things ever get out hand again, just txt me, I'll gladly do 2,3,4 loads, I'm sitting here twiddling my fingers and the laundry room is quiet!
thanks to Dennis and Youtube he fixed the washer. He had to fix a broken latch last week then empty out the clogged filter. No biggies but you had to take off the doors, put things under the washer to have access and take the top off. In the clogged filter was sticks, a dime and dog hair. It is working so good at the moment - it is unreal. I am thankful for Dennis although yesterday I was not. He had me holding this, doing this or that and then telling me to remove all hair before washing. I said well it lasted 4.5 years before getting clogged. Do you really think this machine will last another 4.5 years? He laughed and said I get it and besides he said he will be able to do it faster next time as he knows what he is doing. A new washer - same one to replace it is a mere 15 - almost 16 hundred. We dodged a bullet. My apple watch yesterday said I overdid. LOL