OMG it is So Cold

This was Charlotte and Bailey playing today. Ms. Charlotte has departed but Bailey is playing with Ms. Phobe.
It has been way too cold for dogs to go outside for long. They are lifting their feet which means they can get frostbitten so if you see them lifting their paws, bring them in immediately or if on a walk, lift them up, place them under your coat and carry them. There are games you can play with them indoors!
Dogs had fun today but only had short periods of time outdoors. I say 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there.
Harlow and Oreo said ARE YOU CRAZY when it came to heading outdoors. They each will use the pads.
No one has pushed me out of the bed. Yes, I am laughing!
Reader Comments (1)
not pushed out of the bed....yet!🤣